Creating the heart of the European Hydrogen Economy

H2eart for Europe, an alliance of storage system operators in Europe, is committed to accelerate the construction of underground hydrogen storage.

Developing underground hydrogen storage means investing in the resilient and decarbonized future of European energy systems

9.1 TWh

large-scale hydrogen projects have been announced in the EU to be commissioned by 2030

36 TWh

gap between scheduled and needed projects by 2030

36 billion

investments required to narrow the gap

Together, we are committed to kick-off the development of a clean hydrogen ecosystem

This will ensure the cost-effective long-term flexibility needed for the stabilization and development of energy systems increasingly relying on intermittent renewables.

Meet our founding members

Our members come from 7 EU member states.

Our partner forum

The partner forum of H2eart for Europe brings together various key stakeholders across the value chain of hydrogen committed to amplifying our core messages. Together, we share a vision for a more sustainable and resilient energy future in Europe, driving innovation and coordinated action at a continental scale.

News & Events


The workshop focused on the needs to scale up hydrogen infrastructure to ensure a resilient, decarbonised European energy system. The event highlighted the regulatory, financial, and technical measures needed to unlock investments and facilitate market scale up. Discussions were centered

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With Susana Moreira, H2Global Foundation Executive Director, and Co-chair “Strategies, challenges, and market development for Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS) within the European hydrogen ecosystem.” Official Press Release                                                                                                       [Paris, 5th December, 2024] H2eart for Europe is an EU-wide,

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A European underground hydrogen storage roadmap: H2eart for Europe’s recommendations to secure the scale up of Underground Hydrogen storage.

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