Launch Event
European Underground Hydrogen Storage Alliance
23 January 2024
12:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Brussels, Belgium

Accelerating Underground Hydrogen Storage projects for a decarbonized future
H2eart for Europe was launched in January 2024 by a group of frontrunner storage service operators. We support European decarbonization ambitions by securing and scaling underground hydrogen storage projects in the EU.
H2eart for Europe operates as a collective force with a shared vision. The focus is steadfast on delivering the required storage infrastructure to fulfill REPowerEU and other climate targets by 2030 and beyond.
Recognizing hydrogen’s pivotal role in Europe’s decarbonization and the importance of storage infrastructure, we are confident in our capacity to spearhead the scale-up of UHS projects and attract investments essential for this pivotal sector’s growth.
Our members across Europe

Bois-Colombes, France
Pau, France
Vienna, Austria
Düsseldorf, Germany
Essen, Germany
Leipzig, Germany
Bratislava, Slovakia
Milan, Italy
Budapest, Hungary
Groningen, Netherlands
Oldenburg, Germany
Our CEOs are committed to a decarbonized future

Ákos Kriston
“We see hydrogen as the most significant future opportunity in order to connect gas and electricity markets.”

Bernd Protze
Managing Director, VNG
“VGS began researching renewable hydrogen almost 10 years ago and is committed to its widespread use. Fortunately, it is now recognized that this environmentally friendly form of energy is indispensable for achieving climate targets and maintaining security of supply at the same time. We are involved in this alliance because hydrogen storage still plays a subordinate role in planning the development of the hydrogen market, but it is important for the success of the entire market ramp-up that the role of storage is recognized and utilized.“

Boris Richter
Managing Director, Storag Etzel GmbH
“We will need hydrogen in the energy transition, and like the German federal ministry of economics, we expect a high demand for storage. We simply need the molecules! Our region in northwest Germany from a storage perspective will be crucial to all of Europe’s hydrogen economy. The most important thing is to find a solution at EU level to import hydrogen and produce it locally at low prices. Our purpose is to have a green and renewable future, but it needs to be balanced from macro-economic point. We have to ramp up, the H2eart for Europe initiative is part of the solution!“

Charlotte Roule
CEO, Storengy
“Underground Hydrogen Storage is key to reach our EU ambition for energy transition. And still, what is planned so far cannot meet the required flexibility needs, hence we need proactive policies. This will allow the whole energy system to benefit from the UHS’ role in bolstering clean H2 ecosystems and managing variable RES with a focus on cost-effectiveness and scalability. Storengy is fully committed to this – as an example, the HyPSTER project: a practical step toward storing renewable hydrogen. It provides crucial insights into the overall performance of the storage technology in handling the challenges associated with high cycling rates.”

Dominique Mockly
Chairman & CEO, Terega
“Teréga is proud to participate in the H2eart for Europe initiative to accelerate the implementation of hydrogen storage infrastructures to develop a competitive European liquid hydrogen market and achieve the EU’s decarbonisation objectives, as well as its reindustrialisation. By working on hydrogen storage solutions, we want to encourage the large-scale development of this sector, in order to guarantee the flexibility and the resilience of the future energy system. The storage available in the South-West France, part of the HySoW network, is fully coherent with this approach and is a key pillar of the future European hydrogen backbone.”

Doug Waters
Managing Director, Uniper
“In Uniper we actively empower energy evolution with our pioneering Hydrogen Storage Expansion Projects 2030 and beyond with a strong focus on Germany and UK where more than 80% of Europe`s gas salt cavern capacities are located.“

Gaetano Mazzitelli
Chief Commercial & Regulatory Officer, Snam
“The decarbonisation of our economy requires storing significant amounts of renewable energy sources. Hydrogen storage infrastructure allows to stock renewable energy at large scale, in a programmable way and on timeframes spanning from a single hour to years. This is essential for the development of green molecules value chain as well as for the integration of electric RES into the energy system.”

Georg Dorfleutner
Managing Director, RAG Energy Storage GmbH
“Hydrogen storage will be a decisive factor in the future energy transition. In a future renewable energy system, we need molecules in combination with large scale H2 storages to ensure security of supply in times of low renewable energy production. Furthermore, storages allow European H2 consumers access to the cheapest globally available hydrogen supplies.”

Hans Coenen
Member of the Executive Board, Gasunie
“Gasunie is convinced that underground hydrogen storage is indispensable for a well-functioning hydrogen system and crucial to realise an efficient future energy system based on renewables. Therefore, we develop the TWh-scale Hystock project and are taking the next steps with our involvement in projects such as H2-cast-Etzel. We fully support and joined the H2eart for Europe initiative to ensure that hydrogen storage development matches the European decarbonisation efforts.“

Harald Grabner
Managing Director, OMV
“There is no single solution for managing the energy transition. Instead, it will require a well-rounded, multi-pronged approach that addresses a variety of solutions: hydrogen storage is one of them. Hydrogen storage solutions can play an important role in increasing network flexibility in the EU and supporting the development of renewable energy sources. OMV has joined the “H2eart for Europe” alliance to raise awareness at the European level of the need and value of hydrogen storage for effective scale-up, and to create a framework with clear rules to help secure a sustainable energy future.“

Martin Bartošovič
CEO, Nafta
“Hydrogen in various forms is surrounding us for ages. It seems that the importance of hydrogen will grow and could be a tool for the transition to a decarbonized energy future. That is the reason why NAFTA is paying attention to this topic and we believe that H2 storage could be crucial part of the future energy system.”

Michael Kohl
Managing Director, RWE Gas Storage West GmbH
“The H2eart for Europe Initiative is a milestone in closing the already existing gap between supply and demand of hydrogen storage capacity by 2030. RWE Gas Storage West is glad to be able to contribute to this initiative with their numerous hydrogen storage projects.“

Peter Schmidt
Managing Director, EWE GASSPEICHER GmbH
“A key challenge in producing hydrogen based on renewable energies is to synchronize the production of and demand for green hydrogen. Hydrogen storage systems can meet this challenge by storing large amounts of energy and making it available at times of low production. As a result, hydrogen storages also play a crucial role in ensuring security of supply and grid stability in a future hydrogen system. With the experience gained from our HyCAVmobil storage research project in Rüdersdorf and the repurposing of our first cavern in Huntorf, we want to contribute to the h2eart alliance and thus to the development of hydrogen storage capacities in Europe.“