Gemeinsam für ein klimaneutrales Europa: EWE ist jüngstes Mitglied der Wasserstoffspeicher-Initiative H2eart for Europe
GERMAN VERSION: EWE und H2eart for Europe geben ihre neue Partnerschaft bekannt und unterstützen gemeinsam die
Entwicklung von Technologien zur unterirdischen Wasserstoffspeicherung in ganz Europa.
Billions must be invested in hydrogen storage this decade to provide long-term flexibility to future grids: industry group
A new industry group, H2eart for Europe, has warned in its launch report that between €18bn and €36bn ($19.5bn-39bn) will be needed to set up enough underground hydrogen storage systems to provide long-term flexibility for zero-carbon grids.
Newly founded European Alliance, “H2eart for Europe”, Commits to Accelerated European Decarbonization Efforts through Underground Hydrogen Storage with the Support of EVP Commissioner Maroš Šefčovič
The H2eart for Europe initiative, currently composed of eleven Storage System Operators (SSOs) from across Europe, announced a pioneering pledge to expedite the decarbonization of the European energy system in the presence of Executive Vice-President of the Commission, Maroš Šefčovič.