Together for a Decarbonised Europe: EWE Is H2eart for Europe’s Newest Member

ENGLISH VERSION: EWE and H2eart for Europe announce their new partnership and join forces to support the development of
Underground Hydrogen Storage (UHS) technologies across Europe.
New Co-Chair “H2eart for Europe” Alliance on Underground Hydrogen Storage

All this positive spirit received at the Launch Event in Brussels this week motivates in chairing this new Alliance together with Michael Schmöltzer (Uniper Energy Storage) and Carole Le- Henaff (Storengy).
ICIS EXPLAINS: H2eart for Europe

LONDON (ICIS)–The European Underground Hydrogen Storage Alliance launched H2eart for Europe on 23 January with the aim to provide reports and analysis surrounding hydrogen storage across Europe.
H2eart for Europe released a report entitled “The role of underground hydrogen storage in Europe” at the same time, which ICIS has summarised in the below infogram.